Tuesday, August 28, 2012


My creator designed me to where deep in my heart I want to be love and I want to be dependent and I desperately want pleasure. More specifically He designed me to want all Him. Genesis 1:27 makes so much more sense now. He wants me so much that when my Father created me, He gave me that same desire to want. Ultimately want him.

I keep taking my focus off of what I'm created for. For what my created order is. The surface temptations and the temporal attractions for sin get in the way. Two of my very best friends reminded me of how jealous he is for all of our attention. Jealously and zealously. To rightfully protect what is most PRECIOUS to Him.

I ought to treasure the Old Testament laws. They show who He truly is in light of the Gospel and Christ. The Ten Commandments show his grace and glory all the more. I can't be burden by what I can or can't do but the grace that these are his characteristics.

"...for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments." Exodus 20:5-6

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unfailing pursuit

I love what the NLT says,

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will PURSUE me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

The past few days, I've been searching and yearning to see his glory in the midst of enemy territory that is this world. Just trying to change my perspective and attitude.

The Lord is giving me rest in searching. By this truth alone in Psalm 23 that, He is my Shepard and restores my soul. He pursues me and meets me exactly where I am. Trace was talking about the key part of salvation, that it is Jesus Christ alone and He pursues me to have a relationship with him. I shall no longer be on an expedition to seek the treasures and desires of this world, but to explore the depths of his salvation and everything that he has endured.

My selfishness always shocks me every time. It should be a no-brainer that my thoughts and intentions are always centered around myself. But the more I know Christ and his goodness and unfailing love that pursues me, the more I fall in love with him as the lover of my soul and the desire to abandon my flesh and be with him has never been greater.

I'm sitting and eating my poptart this morning pondering what I will consume today. The Spirit helps me to find rest in what I will get the privilege to partake in today. That whenever I eat or drink, I get to thank him, and he never fails to get the glory.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday 8 ams..

I have been praying how to endure the experience of 8ams Monday-Friday. It's obvious that I haven't been thankful for spending the morning time with the Lord. Every moment we are in his presence is so sweet, but early mornings haven't been...

As, I'm learning what the Gospel truly is in my life, I'm learning how to apply it to my life. I'm a very visual person and I like to see things tangible. The Holy Spirit has helped me see so many simple things as God's glory and promises through coffee, dreaded showers, and the sound of that alarm clock at 6am.

This morning, I got the privilege to see the transition of night and day such a clear picture of the good news of Jesus Christ. A daily reminder that He has overcome darkness. Awaking to the good news of His resurrection. The sound of an alarm shouting praises of angels of the Lord.

"Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable...Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations." Psalm 145:2-3, 13

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I've had quite the 4-day weekend. Did I study once? Nope. God has just blessed me with such sweet and precious moments with friends. After the Lord and salvation, there is nothing more valuable than human relationships. What treasure could surpass a good laugh and memories?

If I could change one thing, I wish I took more pictures with my camera to capture some of these sweet moments. Here are some highlights of the times I did have my camera (I har had it second semester):

1. Brooke's birthday was last night, and it was so good to see everyone and celebrate!
2. Pledge retreat was a blast, and who knew that Carmen and Caroline and I were going to be in the same sorority?! Not this girl.
3. Painting up for the Mississippi State game was so exciting!
4. Daniel BURRITO driving us to the Braves game last Friday! I made so many friends and really enjoyed everyone's company.
5. Farmhouse rodeo was one of the first of many events the pledge class got together.
6. Maddy and I became best friends last fall. How? I'm not really sure, maybe because I came home so much.
7. Fall formal was great, and Marco was such a gentleman. Spring formal was fun as well, and I loved every minute of it (even though we had to leave early). Just hanging out in the Azeala Room was enough for me.
8. Christineyyy and I became BEST friends during this football game. Our best friend name is SUESTINE. Somehow we got separated from all of our friends, and then we ended up sharing testimonies and our hearts and fell in love!
9. Lauren Carter, what a doll. My first friend in Chi O, and we walked to the chapter room together after we got our bids! Now we are best friends!

This summer, I will be taking more pictures! There are so many other great great memories. I don't have any pictures with my new BFFs from FBCO. I want to have pictures of my own so I can print them out and stare at them. I have an issue with downloading pictures from Facebook because they are such low quality. Much better to have your hands on the original, you know?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"I make room in my heart, God"

Not too many people read this, but if you do, you have seen I have went through different name changes for this blog. [If you don't normally read this and you read this, I have grown up a lot in my faith and some of the posts I've written in the past years is not complete biblical truth so don't read them..] It was lovingabba, and I tried to make it something biblical and cool. The problem is is that everything is taken. One thing that is definitely not taken is my name, Myung Sue. If you don't know me then well you obviously didn't know that my first name is Myung, but I go by my middle name Sue. It's less ethnic and easy. But more recently I've been embracing my first name Myung, and my friends love calling me that. What's really fun is to say Myung Sue Kang all at once in a crazy accent of your choice.

Tonight was a really sweet night with the Lord. I went to dorm ministry bible study tonight, and hearing what God is doing on campus is so powerful, I can't even explain it. He is pointing people to salvation through some ordinary college kids. But these aren't ordinary college kids. The body of Christ here at Auburn has amazed me everyday!

School is basically almost over for me, I am two exams and a pizza party away from being a sophomore in college. WEIRD... But basically a huge part of my testimony for my freshman year experience at Auburn is experiencing the fullness of God through community and true biblical fellowship. Sounds like it should be on a brochure or something, but I'm being completely for real and serious. By the grace of God, I've been surrounded by Christians who are completely after Christ's heart. They don't just claim to know Christ and bring a few rando friends to church on Sunday, but these guys are taking it to the next level.

The body that I've been surrounded with has the love of Christ just oozing out of them like I've never seen. They love Christ so they do the things that the Bible says that seem just strange and unordinary. But Christians aren't called to be ordinary, and Jesus has chosen us to be set apart from the world (John 15:19). It's a classic Auburn thing to be not doing what the Bible says, but living it. What I've learned a lot of and still continue to be reminded of is that, it's not about doing all these things that Jesus told us to do in a checklist, but to pursue Jesus and seek Jesus and ultimately follow him in order that we might live our life according to truth and everything else will fall into place. Because these people are pursuing Jesus so much, they are witnessing to so many people each day, and not only that but serving in such a humble way that it can only point to the cross. I've met some great people in this world and some "altruistic" people, but this is incredible. [On a side note, I don't think anyone is truly altruistic except God and a minority amount of Christians. Every single human does something to receive something for their  actions.]

Joe talked about keeping a prayer journal. Then Zach talked about how God has answered, 700 prayers in 2 months. George Mueller had like 50,000+. How amazing. Really amazing. Not like "this froyo is amazing" but like God is powerful and faithful amazing. So I want to be posting and just praising God for his answered prayers whether he said yes or no and just giving him the glory! He does so much in our lives, and we just gotta embrace as much of it as we are able to!

Our soul waits for the Lord;
    he is our help and our shield. 
For our heart is glad in him,

    because we trust in his holy name. 
Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,

    even as we hope in you.
{Psalm 33:20-22}

Saturday, March 3, 2012


The Lord has been so GRACIOUS!

This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:23-24).

Nothing is of on my own accord. Jesus completely relied on the Father (John 15:), and I'm beginning to realize that there is nothing good in me except Christ that lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20).

After seeing Joshua receiving the gift of salvation last night, I have been rejoicing in salvation! His salvation, my friends salvations, and my own salvation. It is nothing but marvelous in my eyes.

Joshua's story is incredible. It's by grace we are all saved, it is NOT of our own doing whatsoever and Joshua is a testimony to that (Ephesians 2:8).

I've been thinking about my baptism last night and tonight, and I'm just sitting here crying just trying to comprehend what the Lord has done in my life and his glory that I've seen. I'm praying that my uncle will be able to attend my baptism or baptize me. He raised me and nurtured in me in Christ's love. It wasn't his doing, he had no reason to love me, I'm not even blood. Just as the Lord has no reason to love us because we have sinned against him (Romans 3:23), we are justified by his grace as a GIFT, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24).

Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Song of Praise

Psalm 40.

Lord, you are worthy. You are worthy of all of my praise. You are faithful, and I am grateful. Thank you for being you, and I don't have to be ready because YOU are ALWAYS ready. I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. Let me not hide your deliverance or conceal your steadfast love but instead speak of your faithfulness and your salvation! Your steadfast love and faithfulness will ever preserve me! You alone are my Help and my Deliverer. I pray for my brothers and sisters in You. That they may seek you and rejoice and be glad in you. That we may all sing continually, "Great is the Lord!" Do not delay, Father, you are my help and my deliverer.

My trip to Charleston, SC was interesting. I had fun, and God did some things that I did not expect (as usual). My pledge sisters and I became closer. I got to see exactly where my friend was in her walk with the Lord, and we didn't hang out that much. However, I think the Lord planted seeds, nevertheless. My joy came completely from the Father, and I praise him for that! There were some times that I could've been like, this sucks and I hate my life, but the Lord has built a strong foundation within me to know the truth and hide that in my heart.

I went to the first "the Oaks" meeting last night. God's doing something great that we aren't even ready for. As I'm starting to pray for the incoming freshman, there is joy that comes from the Lord that knows each and every single one of these incoming freshman.

Lord, hide your words in my heart so that I will always have your words to encourage a brother and sister and speak Truth to the world.